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To execute the provided code and ensure that all necessary dependencies are installed, you’ll need to follow these steps:

    1. Install Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download and install Python from the official website: https://www.python.org/downloads/
    2. Install tkinter: Tkinter is a Python library for creating GUI applications. It is typically included with Python and should come with the installation above, so you may not need to install it separately. To install tkinter open up your terminal under applications > utilities > terminal and run the command:
      brew install python@3
    3. Install requests: In the same terminal application above, run the following command:
      pip install requests
    4. Run the application. With the terminal command open, navigate to the directory you have added zynithwriter.py to, and execute the following command:
      python3 zynithwriter.py

Additionally, you’ll need to have an OpenAI API key to use this application effectively. You should obtain an API key from OpenAI and enter it when prompted by the application.


  • Your Open AI Key will be saved to the same directory as the .py file as a config file and can be stored anywhere on your computer
  • The output will save to will be saved to the same directory as the .py file as a config file and can be stored anywhere on your computer

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